Allan Marett, Barwick, L., Ford, L.
2013 For the Sake of a Song: Wangga Songmen and their Repertories. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. ISBN: 9781920899752
Allan Marett
2005 Songs, Dreamings and Ghosts. The Wangga of North Australia. Wesleyan University Press. ISBN 0-8195-6617-9. Winner of the 2006 Stanner Prize, awarded by The Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, for the best publication in Aboriginal Studies.
The Australian (Nicolas Rothwell)
Journal of Folklore Research (Michael Jackson, Harvard Divinity School)
Dream Songs (Stephen Jones: a blog)
Yearbook for Traditional Music (Richard Widdess)
Ethnomusicology Forum (Aaron Corn)
Can't get the words outta my head (Jane Simpson: a blog)
Australian Aboriginal Studies (Tim Rice)
Australian Journal of Anthropology (Peter Toner)
Ethnomusicology (Sally Treloyn)
L.E.R. Picken with R. Wolpert, A.J. Marett, R. Condit, E. Markham et al.
1997 Music from the Tang Court, Vol.6, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1990 Music from the Tang Court, Vol.5, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1987 Music from the Tang Court,Vol.4, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1986 Music from the Tang Court,Vol.3, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1985 Music from the Tang Court,Vol.2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1981 Music from the Tang Court,Vol.1, London: Oxford University Press.
Edited books
Allan Marett
1991 Musica Asiatica Vol.6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Allan Marett and Linda Barwick
2007 Studies in Aboriginal Song: A Special Issue of Australian Aboriginal Studies, Aboriginal Studies Press: Canberra
Barwick, Linda, Allan Marett, and Guy Tunstill (eds.).
1995 The Essence of Singing and the Substance of Song. Recent Responses to the Aboriginal Performing Arts and Other Essays in Honour of Catherine Ellis.Sydney: University of Sydney (Oceania Monograph 46).
Articles in refereed journals
Allan Marett
2010 ‘Vanishing Songs: How Musical Extinctions Threaten the Planet. The Laurence Picken Memorial Lecture 2009’ in Ethnomusicology Forum, Vol 19, No.2, November 2010, pp.249-262.
2007 ‘Simplifying musical practice in order to enhance local identity: the case of rhythmic modes in the Walakandha wangga (Wadeye, Northern Territory)’ in Marett, Allan and Linda Barwick (ed) Studies in Aboriginal Song: A Special Issue of Australian Aboriginal Studies, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies: Canberra.2007/2: 63-75.
2006 ‘Research on early notations for the history of tôgakuand points of scholarly contention in their interpretation.’ Yearbook for Traditional Music, Vol.38: 79—95.
2000 'Ghostly voices: some observations on song-creation, ceremony and being in NW Australia', Oceania(the University of Sydney): 18-29.
1994 'Wangga: Socially Powerful Songs', in The World Of Music36(1): 67-81.
1992 ‘Wangga songs of Northwest Australia.’ Musicology Australia1991/XIV: 37-46.
1988 ‘An investigation of sources for Chû Ôga Ryûteki yôroku-fu, a Japanese flute source of the fourteenth century’. Musica Asiatica5: 210-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1986 'In search of the lost melodies of Tang China: an account of recent research and its implications for the history and analysis of Tôgaku’. MusicologyAustralia9: 29-38.
1985 ‘Togaku: where have the Tang melodies gone to and where have the new melodies come from?’ Ethnomusicology29(3): 409-31.
1977 ‘Tunes notated in flute-tablature from a Japanese source of the tenth century’. Musica Asiatica1: 1-60. London: Oxford University Press.
Chapters in books
Allan Marett
2001 ‘Japan V, Court Music' The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2ndedition (New Grove 2001), Macmillan: London and New York, Vol.12: 855-61.
2001 ‘Australia, Aboriginal Music, Northern Australia', The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2ndedition (New Grove 2001), Macmillan: London and New York, Vol 2: 193-202.
1991 ‘Variability and stability in wanggasongs of northwest Australia.’ In A.M. Moyle (ed), Music and Dance in Aboriginal Australia and the South Pacific: the effects of documentation on the living tradition.Sydney: Oceania Publications: 194-213.
1981 ‘“Banshiki Sangun” and “Shoenraku”: metrical structures and notation of two Tang-music melodies for flute’. In Widdess, R. and R. Wolpert (eds.), Music and Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 41-67.
Ford, P., Barwick, L., Marett, A.
2014 ‘Mirrwana and Wurrkama: Applying an Indigenous Knowledge Framework to Collaborative Research on Ceremonies.’ In Katelyn Barney (Eds.), Collaborative Ethnomusicology: New Approaches to Music Research between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians, (pp. 43-62). Melbourne, Australia: Lyrebird Press
Barwick, L., Marett, A.
2011 Aural snapshots of musical life: The 1948 recordings.’ In Martin Thomas and Margo Neale (Eds.), Exploring the Legacy of the 1948 Arnhem Land Expedition, (pp. 355-375). Canberra: ANU E Press.
Allan Marett and JoAnne Page
1995 'Interrelationships between Music and Dance in a Wanggafrom Northwest Australia,' in The Essence of Singing and the Substance of Song. Recent Responses to the Aboriginal Performing Arts and Other Essays in Honour of Catherine Ellis, ed. Linda Barwick, Allan Marett, and Guy Tunstill (Sydney: University of Sydney, Oceania Monograph 46): 27-38.
Multimedia publications
Allan Marett
1993 Bunggridj bunggridj: Wangga songs by Alan Maralung. Northern Australia sung by Alan Maralung, accompanied by Peter Manaberu (didjeridu). Recorded by Allan Marett, commentary by Allan Marett and Linda Barwick. Traditional Music of the World 4,Smithsonian/Folkways CD SF 40430.
Allan Marett and Linda Barwick
2016 Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Wangga CD set (6 multimedia packages, listed below). Winner of the National Indigenous Music Award for Best Traditional Release, 2017.
Component CDs with substantial scholarly booklets:
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Mandji’s wangga.(Indigenous Music Series, CD04), Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Muluk’s wangga.(Indigenous Music Series, CD03), CD, Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Lambudju’s wangga. (Indigenous Music Series, CD05), CD, Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Ma-Yawa wangga. (Indigenous Music Series, CD06), CD, Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Barrtjap’s wangga. (Indigenous Music Series, CD02), CD, Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Marett, A., Barwick, L. (2016). Walakandha wangga. (Indigenous Music Series, CD07), CD, Sydney University Press. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Curated by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick.
Allan Marett, Linda Barwick and Lysbeth Ford
2001 Rak Badjalarr: Wangga Songs by Bobby Lane. Northern Australia. Recordings by Allan Marett and Linda Barwick. Accompanying booklet by Allan Marett, Linda Barwick and Lysbeth Ford. Aboriginal Studies Press. (ISBN 0-85575-364-1)